Qualifying students (educators and community leaders) will be practically equipped to coach learners in robotics. Students are equipped to teach the basics of robotics in education (programming, technology and pedagogy) in terms of knowledge, skills and values. These competencies contribute to the development of science, engineering and technology in communities in Southern Africa, Africa and globally. The module is interactive, online and practical. The student must participate in online discussions, connect to the Internet weekly, and submit learning-unit tasks.
The student is required to have access to robotic equipment (recommended: MindStorms EV3, Spike Prime Core), a computer and the downloaded free software.
Recommended for new coaches and mentors, no experience but with a team of eager learners to learn robotics in sync with the team coach: Join the I-SET Robotics Live Online Learning sessions. Email I-SET@unisa.ac.za for the monthly schedule.
Recommended next practical robotics course: I-SET Robotics - Problem Solving, Data and Debugging (CSR0B2E).
Recommedned next theoretical robotics courses: I-SET Robotics - Robotics Fundamentals (SCIRF01), or I-SET Robotics - Robotics for the Future (SCIFF01) .
Target Group
Robotics coaches (educators, faciliators, students and community leaders) who require the relevant knowledge and skill to present robotics in education. Knowledge and skill are presented, taught and explored in a comprehensive, coherent and structured format.
Syllabus - CSR0B1E (Components and Pedagogy - the basics)
Admission Requirements CSR0B1E
The credit calculation is based on the assumption that the student who enrols is competent terms of the following outcomes or learning areas:
Assessment CSR0B1E
Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies.Formative assessment: Will be used in the submission and evaluation of the assignment for each of the four learning units. Summative assessment: Will be implemented in a non venue-based take-home examination. A file of evidence of learning may be referred to during the exam. A certificate from Unisa will be awarded to candidates after obtaining a final mark of at least 50%.
Duration of module
Semester course (15 weeks)
Tuition method
The UNISA open and distance method of blended learning will be followed. The study material will be provided according to the online learning approach. Each learning unit requires a compulsory assignment for evaluation and feedback. This feedback will ensure that interaction between students and course facilitators occurs.
Course Fees
R3500.00 (the full course fees are payable on registration). Lecture notes will be provided online.
Dr P M Gouws Email: gouwspm@unisa.ac.za
UNISA Lifeling Learning Centre E-mail: ucl@unisa.ac.za